“A Russian ex-policeman turned self-proclaimed messiah leads thousands of ardent followers in a remote religious community. He is known variously as Vissarion, The Teacher, and Jesus of Siberia and his followers believe that he really is the Messiah.”
When I first heard about “Vissarion” I thought well here is another Jesus want to be. Now I do not think he is the second coming of Christ, but if you have some time take a look at the following videos that explain the community of The Vissarion. In many ways it really is Utopian. The people are all highly intelligent and skilled with a common vision.
I doubt, that as the community grows, the harmony will be kept, but then again I tend to lean towards cynicism. Perhaps these people’s strong beliefs will sustain them? I don’t know. It is really hard for me to buy into the whole Messiah thing, but I guess that is why I don’t buy into Christianity, the Bible as fact etc.
The videos start off a bit slow, but the concept of the community and the fact that they have actually made the community is fascinating.
jesus of siberia, it has a nice ring to it.
i wonder if it'll end badly.
Perhaps they'll die up there in their stupid Doomsday Cave.
It is really hard for me to buy into the whole Messiah thing, but I guess that is why I don’t buy into Christianity, the Bible as fact etc.
Our mutual friend will be pleased to hear of your turn to the Dark Side, if he hasn't already ;)
He does not believe me when I say it: sort of like he thinks I am giving him some sort of lip service, but don't really mean it.
He seems to think he knows what I think on this subject better than I do...
jim u go first jones
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