Let us use THIS VIDEO as an example in point.
Well I must say that I found the attached video an enormous relief. I was sitting here contemplating why people think that they should always ask for “deals” when they come into the gallery and buy art. It is extremely rare that some one will say: “OOOO wow I love that! How much? OK I must have it here is my credit card.” It usually is:" umm well how much is that?"; I give them the price; they ignore the price and say “What’s the best Price you can give me.” Sorta like why did I bother putting up that “pretend” price on the wall, because everyone knows that is not the “real” price.
I have noticed a steep increase of this; can you give me something more for nothing as the economy has gone in the shitter. However; I now do not feel quite as bad. Certainly its one thing telling me you want a discount on art; but how would you feel if you were one of the German Ladies in the video and someone not only started to discount your price per client; but then clients asked for additional concessions. NOW I am not sure what sort of “extra” things the men are asking for; but how insulting is it to even think of asking when they are already getting a house discount.
To all my artists out there; at least I take the brunt of the insult for you; I would hate for any of you to think that I am prostituting your work :) Of course every good madam must look out for her best interests while always, always… considering the value of her “boys”.
I have noticed a steep increase of this; can you give me something more for nothing as the economy has gone in the shitter. However; I now do not feel quite as bad. Certainly its one thing telling me you want a discount on art; but how would you feel if you were one of the German Ladies in the video and someone not only started to discount your price per client; but then clients asked for additional concessions. NOW I am not sure what sort of “extra” things the men are asking for; but how insulting is it to even think of asking when they are already getting a house discount.
To all my artists out there; at least I take the brunt of the insult for you; I would hate for any of you to think that I am prostituting your work :) Of course every good madam must look out for her best interests while always, always… considering the value of her “boys”.
i love to haggle but not enough to risk std's with german ladies of the evening.
i usually tell the seller how much i like the article but just can't afford it and wait to see if i'm offered a discount.
See that is the polite way to gauge the desperation of the seller. If the seller really wants to seal the deal they will say; well what sort of price might make the article want to go home with you. Or you make you want the article go home :)
when it comes to art or something that is hand made, i feel it's insulting to haggle..and never do..
I wish you and BP would come to my gallery; even if you don't buy Anything!!!
All I seem to get are people with attitude.
hand made; I think i see what you did there... but I have a dirty mind.
Buy a flowing evening gown with a low-cut neck and some nice heels to go with. It's springtime, so go for some bright colors. But not too vibrant; you shouldn't literally be glowing unless you're at a dance club or something.
Oh, and cleavage bras are a must.
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