Wednesday, April 15, 2009

no title needed

I have no idea why, but this song by David Bowie, as obscure as it is, keeps going through my head. In fact I might say it was almost driving me insane because the only place I had it was on an old album and I could not remember the name.

Thank God for Youtube, I am now out of my misery and can share the tune of my mind with you.

I think a commenter at IH’s site was correct when she said I might have issues.


bwcubed said...

I think he wrote this at a sleep over with Pee Wee Herman.

Raspootin said...

Thanks for the idea for the above post pee wee :)

yellowdoggranny said...

i cannot believe i have never heard that before..cracks me up.

Raspootin said...

cracks me up too - but then again Im a bit cracked...