I have picked out a few select dishes for your approval. The descriptions would be those of Raspootin – so if you are delighted by the picture and really want to know what it is for your consumption pleasures please browse this site.

Knicky ickybit of yucky shit between two glazed donuts

Repulsive nasty ickybit retch jello crap ( really that is jello ) how gross is that?

oozy ickybit eggs with regurgitated bean base
and for the one that particularly disgusts Raspootin
Hope you have enjoyed this culinary critique...
good thing i already ate dinner, or i'd never be able to eat..ugh.
is any of that stuff kosher?
ydgrand 0 my is that not sick? My co workers looked at the site and said they would not mind taking a bite of a few..
BP of course if you think Obama said Yes... know it is not - gross little turtle ickybits too if you should chose to look at their site..(wont even do a smiley after because it is no doubt true)
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