Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter

In celebration of the release of Deathly Hallows I think a mix of two of my favorites: Harry and the Simpsons is in order!


Woozie said...

I must say, I am somewhat tempted to spoil it for you. But I'd have to come up with something more creative than simply typing it out...better finish that book!

Raspootin said...

spite filled 16 year old?

Please do not live up to that Rep - let me enjoy, you will understand the little things better when you reach 40.

wishin said...

well tell me if he dies or who dies...

Anonymous said...

cant believe you buy into this hocus pocus. More mind control workings of the Iluminati and the evil Lords of Washington, exposing children to satanic rituals and teachings. They are after our children and are working from the inside out to control our destiny. Where is Jerry Falwell when you need him.

Raspootin said...

Jerry Falwell makes my skin crawl - but you probably knew that already :)