This is my comment to the folks that are manipulating New Orleans Metro Blog as their personal stand on what's going on in their lives. Who cares about their lives? It's not a personal blog; New Orleans Metro Blog is supposed to be telling the cyber world what's going on in New Orleans. The personal shit is interesting, but all negative and not productive in shining any real light for the tourist or umm may I be manipulative too : The ART BUYER
I am here to say New Orleans is up and running, beautiful and as corrupt as ever. Please come and visit because we Laissez Les BonsTemps Roulez.
If the Good times don't roll well with you, N.O.P.D. seems good at getting the indecent exposure arrests: but y'all are lucky it's just a just a fine, or if you have money a "find" for our boys in blue that will leave you in jail for 10 days.
Talking about 10 days in Jail?
If You actually murder someone in Orleans Parish Eddie Jordan, our DA will let ya out in five days, especially if you have prior convictions and are black. (not being racist, just stating the facts) In fact if you have prior convictions and shoot 5 kids in a car: well then you are going to be let out as fast as your cocaine supplier can pay bond. (Twenty days max - as there are no witnesses)
This is my actual dismissive post to New Orleans Metro Blog their click is more important to them than the city so even though I know quite a few of the writes I could give a (rat's ass) i never really understood that term, but it feels good to write it.
I really should not write this, but I will as it will be buried in the next thing that you all post about.
I am so tired of your self centered martyred shit that I could puke.
Why as blogger reps for New Orleans can you not find something good to say? Do you all live in such lavender colored lenses that you're blind to the fact that New Orleans has always had problems?
Before Katrina there was a school board that stole 20 million. There was Marc Morial there was Edwards facing off with David Duke for Governor, I could go on and on, but I know you know so why pontificate?
Perhaps it is the situations that you and I, as a small business owners and home owners or even more difficult - renters place ourselves in that makes us angry. Perhaps as new home owners some of us our understanding that Nancy Marshall sucks and the other guy was better. Perhaps we forget that before Pennington we were still the murder city of the Nation.
Don't blame it all on Katrina, look into your self and understand that it is not the city as much as what you are not looking hard enough to get out of it. We have problems they just "used to be amusing" and now they are not.
"Rome was not built in a day" Duh neither is New Orleans. But face facts. Leaving leaves our city open to "the, carpet baggers" who will, make us less than whole.
We all get disgusted with politicians and contractors. But personally before "The Storm" I was disgusted with them already.
Give it a chance, take a breath and try to make Metro Blog a positive thing. This is still New Orleans - this is the place we all call home.
I have lived all over Europe - Born in Denver 2 years and NY with by passes Thur life to London, Paris and Cairo and still this is the best place which is why I picked it because of the people, culture and ingénue.
You are the representatives of Metro New Orleans on this site, and I hope that you will not lose sight of your responsibilities.
Easy for me to say; and yes, I just did.
It felt like velvet and smelt like leather.
Posted by: raspootin at July 18, 2007 09:36 PM on the metro blog site..
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