Friday, January 25, 2008

Keep your cell phone fully charged

Police cyber track suspected rapist
Police cyber track suspected rapist

This story made the hair at the back of my neck stand on edge too.

Interestingly just 3 weeks ago my friend Susan’s friend’s daughter Missy was abducted in front of her house. The attackers placed her in the trunk of their car and drove off. She had her cell phone in her pocket and was able to call 911. The police traced the call and rescued her, later arresting the suspects.

I am beginning to think the best form of protection if one is not comfortable with a gun or tazer is indeed, a fully charged cell phone.


billy pilgrim said...

i think the best form of protection is moving to a planet where there are no humans.

humans do the awfullest things to each other.

Raspootin said...

billy, i agree.