Friday, April 04, 2008

buds of a feather smoke together

I was reading about legalized medical marijuana in California – why ? No idea, but came across a story about how some of the distribution facilities were selling vials named “Tom Cruise Purple” with a picture of TC on the front laughing hysterically. The head line read: Tom Cruise Purple Medical Marijuana has Actor Smoking Mad.

Sarcky and funny in my opinion, but I guess he is figuring out how to sue them.

At any rate the story led me through a number of others until I came across this. I think I saw a portion of this on The Tome, but not the whole thing ITS worth the watch. Spoofin' at its best.

If he successfully sues perhaps they can replace his picture with one of these people:


Woozie said...

I showed the scientology thing to my math class. I think the only ones who understood it saw the South Park episode.

Raspootin said...

I thought it was well done. Possibly you are the only person who bothered to look at it :(

Kalibitch said...

snake man... dieing... laughing...
tummy hurts...