Well it is a beautiful day in New Orleans, so why did I start it with crying ?
My Next Door Neighbor was having a heated argument with his next door neighbors – The Bitch – yes lovely story – maybe they will move when she goes to prison.
Anyhoo – after the shouting match was concluded – evidently my Neighbor was a victim of their scheme – he pulled out of his parking place and rammed into my baby – my 1 month old new car – TIM – named for the license plate TIM 315.
At least my neighbor is honest and willing to pay for all damages; but it is a hassle to get the car fixed and get a rental etc. and I have to admit that it is never the same after your new car gets into an accident. My neighbor was about as upset as I was so I did not make him feel any worse than he already felt; good thing it was me not my alter ego Raspootin

This song keeps going through my head

Poor Tim! Poor Raspootin!
Hope he emerges bright and shiny and soon from bodyshop.
lol - in the scheme of life it is just a small bummer bump...
same thing happened to my corolla just after i bought it. the body shop fixed it up and it's been good as new for the past 14 years but i was pretty pissed for the first few years.
im trying not to be pissed at my neighbor as I do not want to see him cry again... Im sure the body place can fix him up :)
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