Tonight was the series premier of: K – Ville,
They ran a pre – series option to watch the show through FOX, The Times Picayune: its site nola.com - Only for people who knew about NOLA.com which I guess is just us guys in NOLA.
As I missed watching on line and did not want to be jaded by what I knew were going to be negatives about the small things: where we eat and what we drink, I waited to watch it this evening.
Surprisingly, the accents were good. The “daddy’s plantation girl was very contrived within the setting of the show: the issue of the city 2 years later with her as an insider tying to buy into “black neighborhoods” is wrong and somewhat insulting: could it happen SURE but who would really be dumb enough to buy out the 9th ward and hire Black Water to orchestrate it? Hmmm maybe I should not go further with that plot line:)
What is happening here: is a city open and welcome to conventioneers and to tourists. We are all set with great hotels and wonderful shops. The French Quarter down through Magazine Street show cases that we are still very viable.
The main concern with K- Ville is that it does not show the viability just the anxiousness and destruction on the lead cop’s home and mental stability.
We are ready to roll, so don’t take K – Ville literally.
I give K -Ville a reluctant B- waiting to see what they will do next.
I also think they could have cast some:”hotter cops”. (The Pics I posted were way hotter than what they look like on the show) When the story line drags, hot cops make it up, and we are very much lacking in this area with K- Ville.
Take the fact that the Florida Coast is still coming back from Ivan in 2004 and the World Trade Centers have not been resurrected since 2001 and conclude, progress in this century still takes time.
New Orleans is a Unique and vital place: it is not just about the major port or the fact we infra structure so much like 40% of domestic oil. It is about the people, the culture and the love. To an extent I don’t think renovating certain public housing projects, so people have a place to live, work and feel good about being a New Orlenian is wrong.
What is wrong is that the media and shows like K-Ville make “literal TV oriented folks” not want to visit.
I understand if ya thought we were scummy before Katrina, you may feel happy and justified about the “god revenge that happened in 2005”, but we really don’t need you to visit if that is your thought.
We need people with insight, culture and money. We also just want to welcome open minded individuals who realize we are a major cultural Hub. Altanta has the airlines, Texas has the companies, but the sprall of no zoning.
New Orleans has 300 years of History. We need more companies like Shell to support us and more than anything, we need people who do not stereo type, but just want to give us a fair chance of survival and have a wonderful time while doing it.
Vive La Novelle Orelans!!!
Did somebody say 300???
300 or so... what ya think the indians did not have culture?
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