In order to dispel the Mormon myth of “squeaky, geeky “ clean guys in white shirts and ties riding bikes The Church is coming out with quite an unique calendar; attempting to change the stereo type.
I was watching an MSN video and the female presenter made me laugh. As she was doing her interview with the Calendar guys, she kept blushing and inadvertently fanning herself. Her male counter kept laughing at her too. Her reaction made it irresistible to not go and find the YouTube video.
The Homormon Calendar
good one
wish I would have thought of that
too many religions chasing too few suckers.
truer words were never said rube.
After high school my sister rebelled by joining the Mormon Church. Mother had a fit, though she should not have worried. It was only a temporary infatuation with boys on bicycles. Luckily sis wised-up, married a Jew and secured a very comfortable life.
what's wrong with marrying a boy on a bicycle?
now if my daughter came home and asked for my advice.........
I wonder which one is the Husband.
A nice Jewish boy, my mother would be happy a long as he was a doctor.
I want to hear what you would tell your daughter...:)
Just because they are hot does not make them gay.
i'd tell my daughter that boys on bikes have excellent stamina.
From personal experience I would say that is true: good advise :)
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