i swear the fish was THIS BIG...
I was just looking at the SC governor story and laughing ... just seems that The Sanford Staff should have been able to cover up a fling in Argentina with greater finesse; after all isn’t that what they are being paid for?
First “WTF OMG he is Missing ooo where is the Governor? “
“Umm he's hiking”.... “Umm the wife has no idea where he is” (and obviously could care less) “ummm nooo he was not hiking he wanted an "exotic trip” "to get away from his kids" On fathers day weekend ??? Come on… please how does that make him look as a father of 4?
He should fire all his staff and hire Raspootin; I could have made up a much more cohesive, imaginative “story”; Raspootin would of course deserve to be compensated the combined salaries of Sanford’s sad, struggling staff.
I think he almost deserves to step down as Governor, not just the head of the GOP Governors thing (whatever that is) simply because if he can not sync with his staff, his wife and his mistress; what does that say about his abilities to govern. Obviously Raspootin could care less about his sex life; just his ability to lie under pressure. Evidently he needs to read a page out of Bill Clinton’s Book…
First “WTF OMG he is Missing ooo where is the Governor? “
“Umm he's hiking”.... “Umm the wife has no idea where he is” (and obviously could care less) “ummm nooo he was not hiking he wanted an "exotic trip” "to get away from his kids" On fathers day weekend ??? Come on… please how does that make him look as a father of 4?
He should fire all his staff and hire Raspootin; I could have made up a much more cohesive, imaginative “story”; Raspootin would of course deserve to be compensated the combined salaries of Sanford’s sad, struggling staff.
I think he almost deserves to step down as Governor, not just the head of the GOP Governors thing (whatever that is) simply because if he can not sync with his staff, his wife and his mistress; what does that say about his abilities to govern. Obviously Raspootin could care less about his sex life; just his ability to lie under pressure. Evidently he needs to read a page out of Bill Clinton’s Book…
what happened to the "buy american" stimulus for the economy?
i guess rich guys like an exotic adventure.
Jellyroll will drive you stone mad.
bp - he should have stuck to domestic, less chance of getting caught:) I guess i could go for an exotic somthing or another and I am definately not rich..
Thims; It seems to drive WASPy Republican politians especially mad - and the closer they are to actually being thought of as as presidental candidate the more mad they become...
gee, wish our republican 'good hair' perry governor would get caught cheating..all he does is fuck up the state of texas..only way he could get in trouble with these stupid texans(not us dems) is to be caught with a ugly goat.
My parents live in Houston and what you just said pretty much sums up my mother's opinion of Perry; in fact Im going to have to repeat it to her :) she will get a kick out of the ugly goat.
She would probably be quick to add that if he was caught with a man that might get Texans attention too - but the goat thats priceless.
well, tell your mom the gossip at my friend shady lanes beauty shop is ...his wife walked in on him with a guy...she remains with him cause she thinks someday she might be first lady of the country..i have never wanted anything THAT BAD..
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