I looked at this cover for the actual “Wild Life and Fisheries” magazine as done by “game wardens” who have guns and the power to arrest and confiscate your fish; and well I could not stop looking at it.
On so many levels did I find this offensive that I just kept looking and looking?
Why did I find it offensive?
There is a little girl holding (yes I know) a BB gun with a fake Bambi then LSU all over her clothes/ hat on the ground: Damn right there is something that just does not sit with me about this as a front cover, but what?
My boss said it was in taste with the magazine as the people who subscribed (guess he IS ONE or we just sold them ice machines) would think this is FINE as this how Northern Louisiana raises their kids. BW I mean no offense, because you said you would not have your twins on the cover, but you did defend it.
My response was well shit!!! all the kids that kill kids in school use guns and so having a little baby girl holding a gun - regardless of bb or not is hideous. He said that most kids here are trained from birth with the use of guns. My point was so were all the Columbine and many other rural kids. They had access and knew HOW to use the guns which is why they were so successful in killing their class mates.
I am still so very appalled at this COVER like its okay? It is not okay to place a gun and a fake bambi deer with a small child and call it “art” cover page. I would be less offended by a dead beheaded deer with blood smacked on the hunters face. There is a message that is being sent that just seems so reckless and haphazardly wrong that my brain throbs.
So this just gives a bad message? Is it just me? My co- workers think I am insane; especially when they thought I was going to cancel the subscription and let Wild Life(and the red neck wardens) know what I think. Hey these Wild Life and Fishery Dudes carry guns and have a right to arrest – they are employees of the State. Why put a cute baby with a gun and LSU all over her with bow on LSU hat on the front page? God it disgusts me.
Well I did write a letter on my own and had no response, who figures... but it does give me a large insight to how the minds of Louisiana RED NECKS work.
Please let me know how you feel. Like I said this is the cover of a major State of
NO BW – I did not use your company name; I simply did a named unheard comment about something I feel is not only offensive but irresponsible.
it's not as offensive as some asian eating turtle soup in my eyes.
Bp - see I just can not pin point why I find it so offensive???
But I know how you feel about turtles so well maybe your point is that we all are offended by different things for different reasons?
I live back in the woods, you see
A woman and the kids, and the dogs and me
I got a shotgun rifle and a 4-wheel drive
And a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
well I will be sure to come and find you when the Chinese invade the US and country boys with guns become quite the rage...
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