I know they are Democrats - not their plan

It is his administration' s plan and it is not based on GB or Canada...
This is not Hillary's plan, this is not Bill's plan, it's Obama's plan and you should listen before making knee jerk decisions based on main stream media thought biases.
I thank Woozie for giving me the information that I needed to make an informed opinion and encourage regardless of party affiliation or simple governmental mistrust, that you at least listen to what the president has to say when answering AARP member's questions.
The purpose of this post is to get you to listen to President Obama, not to try and explain what I learned from listening. I heard, I understood - and for me that is a good thing. I was tired of all the bull shit crap that I was experiencing with talk show hosts and various media. I do not have the time nor the expertize to read the draft of the bill so I felt listening as stated by the President was the best way to understand with out partisan influence. I have no reason to think it would in his interest to lie about the Health Reform Plan.
I listened attentively, the president’s tele- meeting with the AARP; whose members are as seniors most concerned with the Health Care Reform. He took on this group of disbelivers and I think won them over.
I do not think that the IMAC is to screw, but to regulate. For Christ’s sake have we not learned from history that big business not regulated; pollutes, corrupts and steals from the American people? (Site managed care for health – banks and investment firms – and publicly held corporations. Example oil gas, Enron, Ponti Schemes)
I think Obama laid out a succinct plan that could define his administration and radically improve, by taking the competition out of just the major health insurance carriers and paring that with subsidize private and public health care and the overall health care deprivation in this country is then improved.
As President Obama stated, we are already being penalized by managed care and big insurance companies. This is a plan to let that not happen in the future where premiums and deductibles will be so great that basically no one past retirement or not reliant on employer based compensation of health insurance will be able to rely on anything but Medicare.
Medicare as a government run health plan for seniors is successful; cutting out the excesses of the Major Parasitical/ hehee a Freudian spell check error Pharmaceutical Companies will also aid in cutting costs to health care by advocating preventive medicine and care which is an absolute to cutting extraordinary costs based on those who are so sick when entering the emergency room that they are basically dead when they came in because the lack of money to pay the premiums or the doctor bills that would have diagnosed said disease earlier
I also agree that the “death panel” is needed; as explained it simply affords seniors who have not made a Living Will the option to do so; with the knowledge of what they are signing off on. Thousands a year are put on million dollar life support without ever having said, brain dead, if they would rather just be let go. I think – everyone should have a living will; and if it is your choice to waste away so be it; but do not let it be a tax payer problem if you just neglected to state before a catastrophic health event that that would not be your choice.
All in all I have to say thanks to Woozie as I would have never thought to go to The White House website to hear the full explanation from let’s say “the horse’s mouth”.
I think the plan is as sound as any plan that can be put forth at this time. Nothing ventured; nothing gained – and I really do not see where anyone has anything to lose.
if i had your email address i would have sent you this email i got that really answered a lot of questions...with facts and not made up republican bs....
if i had your email address i would have sent you this email i got that really answered a lot of questions...with facts and not made up republican bs....
You could have just contacted me. I know everything.
Ydgrand my email address is pythia1111@gmail.com; I would appreciate any information. Most of my acquaintance group is raving lunatics when it comes to Government health reform; and they like to quote Rush as their factual backup...
Omar; I can now sleep better at night knowing that there is someone out there who knows everything!
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