mike darby band @ galerie royale

people mingling and slopping wine inside gallery

nudes by Quincy Verdun, Totally hot artist from Cajun Land

Artist Joe Derr in front of his installation. I think he liked the wine.

Artist St Bradford in front of his pieces

The Harley Bikers showed up to support the evnt.

nice color ensemble with the purple leggings!

Would some one just buy something?

and a smokin' time was had by all
now how come i don't get invited to soree's like that?
I love the nudes and all that color...do you think they used vulva crayons?
a smokin hot time.
a wee waft of smoke adds life to any picture.
how were the sales?
YDgrand I still have to wonder about your daughter's new Boyfriend/ the creative mind that would think up Vulva crayons and penis coloring books hehee
BP The sales sucked. I am really thinking about not doing this anymore . When the economy sucks so does my art business.
The opening was fun though...
Found you via yellowdog granny.
I was just talkin' to my dear sweetie last night about New Orleans and art...these pictures made me think back to my wonderfu, but way too brief, time there.
Beautiful pieces by the way.
kim you and your sweetie should come and re-visit new orleans. Thanks I will pass your comment on to the artists.
Woozie, my how observant. It was weird parents were covering their little kids eyes?
what a great way to make a livin if u can pull it off....are you on magazine? that otter be a great location even tho much of the art money is in the quarter. i bought a piece by a guy named simon whose started out as a sign painter on magazine and began doing outsider stuff as well --u prollee know him --he's sort of a rapscallion.
o wait u do realize 'rapscallion' is a complement right?
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