I am certainly not a GW Bush fan, but as much as it distresses me to say it
THIS video has almost changed my mind.
A sign of intelligence is being able to not always take yourself seriously. I certainly think a person that uses humor and in this case humor to poke fun at them self is not all bad.
what choice does he really have??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I could be mean and say:
Steve Bridges has the easiest job in the world...
I thought it was funny!
Hey, at least he finally admitted oil is one of the reasons we're staying in Iraq. Not for the real reason, of course, which is the growing decline in global production, but at least he's admitting it now. The story is on Truthout.org if you want to give it a looksee.
Personally, I was pretty turned off the way Bush turned the dinner into a big joke instead of seriously commenting on the fact his administration has bungled or exacerbated so much throughout the past five years, but I guess that'd be too much to ask. I was glad to see Stephen Colbert tear him to shreds in his monologue, though.
Yeah Colbert's time at the mic was classic. And none of the republicans there laughed at his routine either. The GOP has no sense of humor.
You have hit the nail on the head woozie.
It is about having a sense of humor or lack of one...
I understand jon's reaction to the address; however it was much more amuzing to watch than listening to Bush spouting his usual party line.
Personally, I'd like the idiot to have laryngitis for a while, just so we won't have to hear his bullshit for a little while. If I have to hear "nukeler" one more time, I think I might castrate myself with a pinball machine.
I watched it again. I still find the impersonation funny and the ending God bless our troops and country to be horrendous. It's interesting though to see the logic of the republican promotional force in action. This is obviously a ploy to make the republican party seem less sinister by the aid of comic relief. How bad could a person be if they were in such a position of power and pay a man to be at his side making fun of him. It reminds me of the time the press asked him to name one error and he couldn't. Here opens up to his errors, accent, shallowness, etc but maintains a "perfect" position for the masses.
but maintains a "perfect" position for the masses.
Are you trying to insult me for finding the video amusing?
At first watch I thought it was funny, then I thought it was shitty to make fun during a time of war and then I thought it was evil to manipulate people into his usual good old boy stance. I don't like to be manipulated and even though my chuckles only lasted a few minutes afterwards it made me sick to think that I did laugh at all. The reason I used Masses was to play off of one of the last jokes the impersonator made of the church and the steeple.
The comic relief reminded me of the manipulation some evangelists use during their sermons. He is after all preaching to his flock of money mongers. I did not mean to insult you. If you still find it amusing, I mean to change your mind. Having a class clown with his finger on the button is not funny.
I find it amusing that he was so engaged by his handlers to do it in the first place,
Still makes me laugh even if I have always known who the laugh is on.
I do give credit to GW's team as it was a very clever way to "handle" the miss pronunciations and the issues that plague Bush's administration.
I am standing at attention to see who wins the elections this evening: mob mentality or mental thought... I guess either side could be debated. Expect my post tomorrow. I already have an interesting story to share.
I wouldn't care if he pronounced everything wrong if would just make good decisions. I've been thinking that the position may make the man more than the man makes himself. No one should have the power the U.S. president has.
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