The above picture was taken by me on my camera phone, possibly rather worse for wine given the blurriness, but what I want to point out are the series of what look like question marks hovering over the back of the bar. I did not photo shop the question marks.
Perhaps it is just a trick of the light?
Ok so it is almost Halloween and so I am compelled to post some scary videos.
This is of an exorcism performed in church in France. I think the Nuns look more scary than the possessed woman; but nuns like policemen kind of make me nervous at the best of times.
If this really is a recording of an exorcism or even if it is a crazy person in a Russian Church, the voices bother me.
I don't like scary things! I can't watch the videos.
The bottom one you dont have to watch, just listen to it :)
The more I look at the picture, I do not think it was taken at The Mayfair. In fact I have no idea where it was taken. Any New Orleans people recognize( i know it is blurry) where it was taken?
I just told you where I think you were at. Don't forget.. the mini cooper is coming tomorrow night :)
Thanks wishin - now that you said it was outside I can see that it is my neighbors house.
I am going to have to show it to them :)
Mini coopers are in your mind. Mini means minimal. If it is true, call me: I think you know who this is.
where there is smoke there is fire, where there is inhuman growls and growns, demonic shreaks and rants and raves, well there is .............. you figure it out.Personally I dont mess with Pandora's box.
Is that where the slogan "Think outside the Box" came from?
when i was a teenager i saw the exorcist on speed. since then i avoid all exorcisms.
oh yeah, i also avoid speed.
I used to take speed, now I have developed an anxious problem :(
A result of too much speed perhaps, or an over active imagination.
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