Wednesday, October 24, 2007


This looks like a promising reality show. Apparently it started in Israel and the American premier is tonight.

Perhaps what is “paranormal” to one person is simply “normal” to another. Laws of Physics are not questioned, just extended beyond our understanding of said laws. Who can say with complete certainty there are not some people who actually have a different type of mental capacity and or biological magnetism that allow the things that the masses would say are not possible to be possible?

I can not paint a realistic painting, or play a violin or belt out a command performance at an opera. I would have no idea how to even try. However just because I can not do it does not mean that it, obviously, can not be done. I think in the same way that certain people are born with a gift for the above things, so are some people born with a slightly less understood yet equally amazing gift for what we call paranormal phenomenon.

Anyway, I am going to check out the show tonight!


wishin said...

who knows if it's real or not real but I am the person who thinks there is an explanation for everything that happens. I do think that some people are born w/ certain qualities that others do not have nor do they understand. I guess it's all in what you perceive.

Raspootin said...

I think there are somethings that we just can not explain; making for a more interesting world.

Woozie said...

Who can say with complete certainty there are not some people who actually have a different type of mental capacity and or biological magnetism that allow the things that the masses would say are not possible to be possible?

I can! What these guys claim to do, like levitating people, is physically impossible because there is no brain or body structure capable of supporting/performing telekinesis. It can't be done because it is biologically impossible.

Raspootin said...


iMpossible is only in your mind.

This is not about God - it’s about other physical possibilities.

These people are performers who do not claim any sort of god given talent. Whether it is a talent or a gift or neither still does not make me believe that I was not confused, amazed or in wonderment about the act.

You are 17 can you not find a bit of interest in stuff like this? Even if the illusion is simply for the mastery of an art form, does that make it less relevant?

Woozie said...

I can't find an interest in it. Not because I don't believe in it, it's just not my thing. Plus Criss Angel is way creepy.

Kønig Hasemörder said...

Everything they do can be explained, but that's the mentalizers control the venue.

Raspootin said...

Well I ended up not watching it. I dont know what my deal is, but for some unknown reason I find Criss Angel very attractive. Maybe it is his "creepyness" :)???

the rube said...

shit, i read this too late. i'm a real sucker for junk like this. maybe next week.

criss angel attractive? where can i buy some of the stuff your smokin?

Raspootin said...

Must be why we both like Dr. Who and Battlestar Galactica, I am a sucker for stuff like this too.