I might have reached my all time depraved low with this post. However, after discussing it with a woman co- worker we decided that it was the funniest “gross / ewww” thing that we have seen in a while.
I kind of had to do an “O-o” as a friend of mine likes to a put it: a slight smile as it brought to mind all the times that people have come into the gallery and touched the art work.
You can see them priming themselves and then when they think you are not looking: out pops the index finger and they are touching the wet paint. I have to shake my head and tell them if they ruin the piece, they are buying it.
They are usually too embarrassed to ask me for a Kleenex to wipe off the index finger and they do not want to get oil paint on their clothes so they typically do a quick retreat out of the gallery.
If they decide to hang out with their paint encrusted finger they always ask: “how does the artist do that? Surely not with a brush?” My main artist uses a pallet knife. I must say it would make my day to see the clients face after they touched the work if this was the tool used to produce the artwork…
I'm impressed he has restrained himself from doing a Dick Cheney portrait. But the public demands it!
Quite so...dick cheney (hehe) wish I would have punned that myself.
I must say when I took a look at the video it gave me cause to pause, but did not stop me from looking at the rest of it.
Sort of the same gross fascination as watching the beheading on the Nazi’s site...
i dignified portrait of jerry falwell would make a fine gift that religious person on your list.
Someone needs to take a pallet knife to that Schmuck.
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