Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ben's brother

One of my favorite bands, love the song:

Please cross your fingers and toes that my attempted fix on self tanning makes me look less like Michael Jackson before my first date/second meeting with an unnamed guy tomorrow. You can ask but truth be told I really tried to understand when he first told me his name and listen when he called me today; but still with no certainty can tell you what his name is. Any good thought would be welcome about how to ask him his name with out letting on I don't know it: French guy who speaks duhh French but also Spanish unfortunately very little English but is teaching at Loyola U , NOLA – (why I did not catch the name ? too busy thinking how to converse in French.)
I like a challenge I have not been fluent in French for 20 years. Maybe I will get some practice; ...whatever: please listen to Ben's Brother:


Anonymous said...

That is one of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century.

Raspootin said...

I feel the ooze of sarcasm...

yellowdoggranny said...

we'd just have to fuck, as I don't know any french..

Raspootin said...

or at the least learn why its called "french kissing" - all part of the education process after all!