Well panic is starting to take hold of the natives: It's getting rather colorful out there! People are acting CRAZY in the stores. You would thing the world is about to end. Katrina influences no doubt. Non overreaction could be a job breaker; ask Kathleen Blanco.
Don't worry about a thing. Amanda is praying for you.
the thing gustav seems to have veered A bit westward from yesterday's projection --not that it is particularly meaningful at this point...stay cool. and remember the magic chant:
Reminds me of that asshole preacher on CNN saying that he prayed for the price of gas to go below $120 a barrel, and then flaunting the fact it was about $116.
I'd be impressed if it went down to $0.01, but $116? Pfft. Fucking lightweight.
Hope you make it through this one okay. I don't know how the hell Tallahassee would handle something like that. Our little depression, Fay? Nearly fucked this town up! We'd be truly up the creek without a paddle if a storm like this came in.
Don't worry about a thing. Amanda is praying for you.
ah well now I know its all going to be just fine...
Sorry that was rude.
Please tell let her know her thoughts are appreciated.
the thing gustav seems to have veered A bit westward from yesterday's projection --not that it is particularly meaningful at this point...stay cool. and remember the magic chant:
i just split my fingers into the hook em horns sign and spit between them..garanteed to send gustav to fla.
Hey, fuck you too, Jackie!
Don't send it to Florida!
Make that sumbitch DIE!
Reminds me of that asshole preacher on CNN saying that he prayed for the price of gas to go below $120 a barrel, and then flaunting the fact it was about $116.
I'd be impressed if it went down to $0.01, but $116? Pfft. Fucking lightweight.
Hope you make it through this one okay. I don't know how the hell Tallahassee would handle something like that. Our little depression, Fay? Nearly fucked this town up! We'd be truly up the creek without a paddle if a storm like this came in.
I'd better not see you on the news "finding" some food at a local grocery store.
ha looter raspootin! Did you start Ohio yet? hows it going - never mind I will email you and ask.
Rev Im in Orlando leaving Thurs before Hanna goes your way. Im not sure where you live in fl? dont wish a thing on GA, but well shit happens.
hey, it's my little punishment for winning the election for bush 4years ago...ok..next time i'll just kill it...and not send it to fla.
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