I know that everyone has been holding their breath to see the final result of "Operation Transformation" -
What you are looking at is Bella after and the Bella who is still rather anxious about the whole proceedure.
Its just hair Bella - it will grow back!
Actually, Bella seemed quite happy, so all ends well in this story.
I like the colour. Should have cut some of those frizzy ends maybe. Twisted UP is good.
Braid them shits.
My "talent" begins with color and ends with cutting in a straight line which is why I typically wear my own hair in pony tail...
I am sure if she went a real stylist they would have fixed up for her. Of course they would have charged $150 for the privilege.
"A Rising Tide Wiki has been assembled where you can find information, make suggestions, offer help and provide information.
Please go to the Blogger List part of the Wiki and check the entry for your blog and make sure the information is correct. If you see that a blog is missing, please add it to the list."
Can anyone explain this to me? Whats a Wiki? Where am I supposed to go? I must be feeble minded.
A wiki is a website that runs off of the same hardware as the ever popular Wikipedia, so navigation is pretty similar. I did a google search and I think that particular wiki is here.
Thanks Woozie - wish Dangerblonde would have just sent a link.
Speaking of "New Looks" Omar looks like he plugged his hand in a light socket - a good new look all in all.
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