one of my most telling pictures...

a bit bleak at the end, but look at more pictures

lots of cups

Rex passed

we were all looking for cups

They wanted a picture

The bar staff and owners legs look pretty good!

The owner and bartenders at the Mayfair

what a lovely picture - the guy insisted

a friend dressed as ms demeanor - a cop came across the street to have his pic taken

a bear down

a telletubby down
How come there is no pic of you????
Please feel free to put up a picture of yourself at anytime!
haha You're sooo funny
I like the teletubby. I remember a while ago we got my 28 year old brother a teletubby as a gag birthday gift, and he was so upset that he threw the thing in the street and ran over it with his car a number of times until we brought his real present out (we had been giving him a lot of hints that we got him something good.)
At first I was wondering why so much hate for the bear, but then I remebmered...
I kind of got the "captions" mixed, but I was sort of wondering about the bear and the teletubby.
This after all was Mardi Gras - why would someone burn it>
Well maybe you gave me the answer, a Mardi Gras Present gone wrong?
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