It is a scary world, with the not very bright, but also the extremely righteous running amuck. What’s worse is that we not only have the righteous, but the down right dumb dumb sh—ts having tons of American children, just because they can.
The things that I am seeing with these various protests and behavioral patterns tell me that there is no conclusion: just a very bad end.
Perhaps, religion as comforting as it may be to billions is what will ultimately be the end of us.
We see no resolution in Iraq as there is a political religious struggle between the Sunnis and the Shiites. We need wide open eyes in the US – it is not just these factions that can not get along: it is our own religious right vs. the REST of us whether you are Catholic, Jewish or Atheists. To think we have religious tolerance in “our democracy” is ignorant. Yes we have freedom to protest, and that is certainly better in Iraq where there is a freedom to bomb. How far are we away from religious militants bombing in the name of Jesus and God in the US? We certainly have seen the secular faction come out with their disregard for human life at VA Tech.
I do not know what to do or say to change what is happening other than plead to Parents to raise their children with tolerance and no bias.
I want everyone to have the right to believe what they want, regardless of fact. I do not want to have anyone, regardless of fact, have the right to dictate belief.
End of Tirade – very terrifying world out there

christians in america

islamics in london

christians in america

islamics in london
Freedom is not going to mean anything in 20 years, so enjoy while you can.
If I ever found a church that didn't believe in knocking all the other churches, I might consider joining it."
quote from W.C.Fields
just about sums it up.
"We certainly have seen the secular faction come out with their disregard for human life at VA Tech."
Rethink this statement. Secular means anything non-religious. Accountants are a secularist faction that might be offended by your statement.
The tenets of Humanism insists that personal liberty be balance with social responsibility. That implies that we don't believe anyone has the freedom to oppress others without the reason being to stop the oppression they are inflicting on others.
America is a Nation under God. He was never concerned with bringing the sword down on those determined to be heathens. Religious freedom is not what we have in America, the Religious Free Market, sponsored by the State, passively via the lack of property tax and actively through faith based funding.
How far are we away from religious militants bombing in the name of Jesus and God in the US?
Don't they already do that with the abortion clinics?
My favorite was always the Muslim guy who had a sign that said "Behead those who say Islam is violent".
”Rethink this statement. Secular means anything non-religious. Accountants are a secularist faction that might be offended by your statement.”
I thought about it in my mind before I wrote it, so I certainly will not rethink it.
Cho Seung-Hui is a secular person who chose to commit murder in the name of Cho Seung-Hui. Do you see anything other than “secular” in his motivation – meaning no god influence- he just did what was in his gut and instincts? The suicide note was about the secular thoughts of jealously about riches and other misnomers that made sense in his mood; “SECULAR”; not God driven.
Not equitable to us accountants who will just cut your balls off should you question our allegiance to the number or logic.
8:07 PM
Yes woozie, that was going to be part of my post.
Your comment is well placed and I wish I had more people come to my site to discuss these subjects.
100% - yes you are correct. Why don't more people your age get what is going on? I am old and will die sooner than you. I want the world to be a better place for you.
"Do you see anything other than “secular” in his motivation –"
Have you been watching Bill O'Rilley?
I meant rethink what the sentence implies, not the thought that inspired you to write it.
"We certainly have seen the secular faction come out with their disregard for human life.."
Cho Seung-Hui's motives were anything but religious and so are those non-true religious protesters. The true non-religious faction are waiting to come out with their disregard for anyone but themselves.
Most of the violence in the world is not motivated by religion. But to write that those who are removed from tennis are festering with potential violence is a misrepresentation of both the tennis players and atennises.
Cho Seung-Hui might have been a big violent video game enthusiast. And even to claim that the video games caused him to kill is unjustified. We are all influenced by the world we live in and the most important thing to remain sane and thus peaceful, is being able to distinguish fiction from reality, opinion from fact. Cho was defending himself from what he saw as a threat from the rich and shallow. He was in error because he was not being attacked, his imagination took control of his reasoning.
The point is that Cho Seung-Hui did not kill In the name of Video games. He killed because he was an idiot.
Actually the point that I was trying to make which evidently I did not make is:
We have crazy people, such as Cho Seung-Hui, who kill without any real provocation. Imagine what will happen in this country if we already are contending with gun wielding independents, when the religious right rears up and starts fighting their holy war. This will not be random. It will be organized and very scary for us caught in the middle.
Therefore the point being that the Christian right radicals are not that different than jihad Islamic factions.
I think that "Jesus Camp" is a good indicator that the religious right in the US has training camps for Christian Soldiers.
the secular faction
I can see where this might sound like I was referring to people that don't believe in god.
That was not what I meant to say or imply. I simply meant that there are a ton of crazy people out there who do not need religion to motivate violence.
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