The 2008 presidential race is expected to be the first in decades that won't include a sitting president or vice president in the field of candidates vying for the White House. A large group of contenders are already putting together campaign operations and visiting the early primary states. washingtonpost.com's Presidential Field database will include full coverage of the candidates as the election season unfolds.
Hometown: New Castle, Del.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/31/07
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Hillary Rodham Clinton
Current Job/Position: Senator from New York
Hometown: Park Ridge, Ill.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/22/07
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Chris Dodd
Current Job/Position: Senator from Connecticut
Hometown: East Haddam, Conn.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/11/07
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John Edwards
Current Job/Position: Director for Center on Poverty; Trial Lawyer
Hometown: Robbins, N.C.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/3/07
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Mike Gravel
Current Job/Position: Lecturer
Hometown: Springfield, Mass.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 4/14/06
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Dennis Kucinich
Current Job/Position: Representative from Ohio
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Status: Statement of Candidacy 12/29/06
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Barack Obama
Current Job/Position: Senator from Illinois
Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia; Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: Statement of Candidacy 2/12/07
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Bill Richardson
Current Job/Position: Governor of New Mexico
Hometown: Pasadena, Calif.; Mexico City, Mexico
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/22/07
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Republican Candidates
Sam Brownback
Current Job/Position: Senator from Kansas
Hometown: Parker, Kan.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/22/07
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Rudy Giuliani
Current Job/Position: Lawyer
Hometown: New York, N.Y.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 2/5/07
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Mike Huckabee
Current Job/Position: Candidate
Hometown: Hope, Ark.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/29/07
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Duncan Hunter
Current Job/Position: Representative from California
Hometown: Alpine, Calif.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/25/07
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John McCain
Current Job/Position: Senator from Arizona
Hometown: Alexandria, Va.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 11/16/06
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Ron Paul
Current Job/Position: Representative from Texas
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 3/12/07
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Mitt Romney
Current Job/Position: Candidate
Hometown: Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 1/3/07
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Tom Tancredo
Current Job/Position: Representative from Colorado
Hometown: Broomfield, Colo.
Status: Statement of Candidacy 4/12/07
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Fred Thompson
Current Job/Position: Actor
Hometown: Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
Status: Unofficial
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I forgot about Biden - so look him up on your own. He got cut of of the "list" As I cut and pasted from a source that I can not now find~
Anyway I think Mrs. Clinton has it in the bag.
This was the song that I kept hearing over and over in my mind when I was 19, it made no sense outside of drugs then, but makes quite a bit now. In fact there is a sense of wonder of why I never listened to it the first place.
Listening would have saved me a ton of heart break ? Maybe at 19 you can not be spared, but hopefully 20 years later one might have learned at bit? Time Passages pretty much defined my life in the 80' & early 90's.
To be honest I think I still live in Time Passages - OMG what a real waste. (Good Tune - even if it dates who cares if I am now a "Time Lord"?) Thank you Dr. Who.
that is one cool list. i'll be checking it a lot.
i watched dr who, "blink" from season three the other night. it was excellent.
i'd give anything to be a time lord.
I thought it was a pretty comprehensive list too.
I missed that dr who. I think they repeat it on Sunday mornings though.
yup I am happy to be a time lord :)
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