I have to defrost my refrigerator. I hate defrosting it, but no big deal I'll leave the door open over night and it will be ready to go in the morning.
OMG there is something in there besides my V8.
Gross it's still alive.
Well I'm not dealing with this NOW. It will be dead by the time I get home from work.
Eweweee It's still wiggling around! What should I do now? Call my dad he knows best.

Dad there is a roach in my refrigerator what should I do?
Step on it
I can't step on it in my refrigerator
Well Squish it and flush it
I can't Squish it, it's still alive
It's a damn Roach
I know but It's HUMONGOUS and its alive. Its the biggest roach I ever saw
Spray raid on it
I can't spray poison in my refrigerator
***deep Breath*** You are not my daughter if you can't kill that thing, stop being a baby
Ok dad thanks for the good advise I'll take care of it.
**** Deeper sigh**** on my end.


More courage
one more procrastination and I'll do it
okay maybe a little bit more courage...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh run outside to dispose of it. Everyone knows if you flush them in the toilet they come back to life, swim up the drain and bite you on the butt so it must definitely go outside in my neighbor's garbage can.

What a wonderful way to spend Friday evening.