I am not sure I agree that this is a Patriotic photo if indeed many of the soldiers were passing out from heat exhaustion. However, it certainly is an interesting and amazingly well staged piece of art.
It kind of puts Spencer Tunic to shame.
This link will give you some more insight to Mole and Thomas along with an explanation of this photo.
that's a great picture but i wouldn't want to be one of the 18,000.
it kinda seems like something kim jong il would do.
It does seem rather brutal. At least Spencer lets them take their clothes off.
i'll have to look into this more indepth - quite fascinating!
Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnik
kali: it is interesting
Wooz: Now I'm confused... Ahhh now I get it.
That's pretty cool looking. I like it.
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