Friday, August 08, 2008

Ron Kelley: New Orleans photographer

These are new photographs by one of my gallery artists, Ron Kelley.
I would appreciate your feedback!


billy pilgrim said...

in this world of butterflies it takes guts to be a caterpillar.

i've been waiting to use that line for months.

Raspootin said...

ha and a good line at that!

Woozie said...

I don't get it.

yellowdoggranny said...

oh beautiful.
each butterfly looks like an extension of the flower...
jeez...boys will be boys..

Raspootin said...

Woozie - nothing to get.

YDgrand yes boys will always be just that.

/catepillers crawl, bite, infect and then some transform to butterflys or moths sort of like the lesbian that my ex husband left me for. She was like a moth.

get that one? Im still wondering about it 5 years later...

Moooooog35 said...

Looks like butterflies.

Hope that kind of feedback helps!

You're welcome.

Raspootin said...

hehee thanks mooog very helpful indeed.

I think I might have to give the butterfly show a pass due to the huge amount of excitement people have shown.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

“Obama the bad terrorist germ toting Islamic fascist ready to pollute the masses in America ”

The republicans just want him to wear a mask and one glove, glittered for shaking: not stirred
This spy counter terrorism thang is very trying, as it McCain’s counter intelligence Obama bash team. Good lord we have a war brewing in Eurasia anyone notice that/

Excuse , I must blow my nose now ***cough cough cough***

unokhan said...

difficult 2 fotograph butterflies without stepping into glurgeland