Subject: View from my window today
Raspootin said:
was it over land or water - pretty cool!
The Wizard said:
over water, but it still looked like it was coming for us
Wishin says:
where is that
Raspootin says:
looking out The Wizard’s window at work
Wishin says:
i would be under my desk
Raspooitn says:
me too
Wishin says:
Raspootin says:
but then I would want to take a look, go up to the roof and hold a metal stick or something
wishin says:
dud, it says where it is center right there. yeah i can read
Raspootin says:
Thank god The wizard had something interesting happen today or we would still have to be lookin at the Slayer Saga
If I could just get The Wizard to comment - then all I would have to do is post the picture instead of cutting and pasting our IM's
Just a time saving thought...
Go look at Tome of Communism - there is a really funny post about the HEAD ON commercial.
Also look at the nature of how the comment flow,
"comments" "Nature of how the Comments flow" and I swear if someone does not tell me how to delete comments that make me feel like I have a third grade education - I am going to delete this site!
I know how to do that as I did it by accident a while ago.
Then I deleted my username and login/
I must say as this is a free site the tech people were really standup and nice - as you may note the site is still here and so am I.
Thanks blogspot techs- perhaps I should post what happened with that as an advertisment for you.
I want to know how to delete comments that I make on other people's sites too - I shall stay away until I get instructions.
I pounced on you at the Tome not because I think you are unintelligent, but because I think you might actually be Robert Sutton masquerading and playing games.
There should be a little trash can next to the timestamp on all the comments, click it, a little "are you sure?" screen comes up, and then it's deleted.
Thank you so much Woozie - I will feel much better about making comments from now on!
I guess I should "gasp" go back and see what you said.
I assure you, I am not Robert.
Though a profile actually is quite meaningless - maybe I will go fill mine out with a semblance of truth.
I am now going to delete all my comments that I could not figure out how to delete before...
Why are you so concerned about deleting comments?
good question.
In case what I wrote makes absolutely no sense to me or it is poorly spelled or I simply change my mind about writing it in the first place.
I see.
Yes I can see most definitely - that you do indeed see
May I ask after reading the 86 posts on woozie's site, what type of mental health position were you in?
I have a very good reason for asking. - which is another inquiry/conversation all together.
Tired and/or drunk and/or bored?
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