So do you know who this is in the picture?? Unless you're a "tween" or have a teen I sure you could care less. I had the pleasure of taking my daughter and her friend to see this "hottie" as they put it at the mall for the free concert. We arrive a little early to ensure they could see him. The radio station said to be there for 3pm, needless to say it didn't start til 4pm. They could have told you that. I learned that he is the love of every teenage girl that was there. There was the crying and screaming among all the girls. There were the girls with their signs and yelling marry me! What do they know about marriage?? Just one of those things I was thinking about. Anyway, when we arrived there was a woman there who thought she owned the whole area where she was standing because she informed me that she had been waiting there since 1pm and that we could not stand there. I just gave her that get a life look and moved over. Well there were others who she gave the same line too. Very pushy woman. I can't believe how anal some of these mothers are. I thought this was for the kids not the parents but guess I was wrong. Oh well! Next the show starts and all the kids are screaming and jumping up and down. It was crazy! My daughter's other friend showed up so she came to stand by them since they were in the front. This other woman proceeds to tap me on the shoulder to tell me how it's not fair for her to stand there because her girls were there first and she was there before me. Needless to say I couldn't keep my mouth shut so I told her she wasn't there before me and that the girl was with me and could stand by me. The woman didn't say anything else and we all watched the show. She did proceed to give me one of those looks.. I just want to point out that the girls that were with me were in front of me and not blocking her kids view. I think she just need to complain. I have decided that I do not like other mothers or I do not like the ones who think they have the only special kids on the planet. Hell, I was even taking pictures for people who were behind us because they asked me too. The concert ended~ a whole 4 songs he sang~ and he ran off the stage. There was this mass exodus to follow him with all these girls screaming once again. I found a place to stand and told them to come find me when done. They waited around for another 1/2 hour to see if he would come back out to sign autographs but he didn't. They all said he left so we left. On the drive home they come on the radio that he is signing autographs. Of course the girls wanted me to turn around and go back. I didn't because I wanted to go home. I was tired. I stood there for 3 hours for him to sing 4 songs. I had enough. They were happy though. They got to see him up close, so close you could see the sweat dripping on him. Overall it was nice, the girls were happy so I was happy.
Oh.. to make things even better I entered a drawing they were doing and they told me today that I won a $100 gift card for the mall. That just makes it all okay! Who can resist free money to shop with? Not me.
(by the way, that is Jesse McCartney for those who don't know. The other guy is in the band)
It shows that on occasion you do get rewarded for doing something nice.
Check out jmaclove.blogspot.com. It's cool!
Jesse McCartney sucks. He probably does, anyway.
Definately not Jimi Hendrix.
Maybe a donny osmond ?
No idea as I have never heard of him.
Maybe you could post about Billy Ray Cyrus. He has a mullet like Andre Agassi.
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