Whether it was an angel of a trick of the light; what I like about this interview is the discussion of being Open to things unseen. Is it about coincidence or actuality? I doubt this would have been news worthy story if there the mother said: I think I saw an angel who saved my child; as opposed to a mother who said look you can see the image of the angel who saved my child. I am a big one for saying; “Seeing is believing”. Is it the child’s smile that made you feel happy or is it in the realm of possibility that a supernatural occurrence happened and the child was merely a catalyst; for an angelic act.
A friend of mine and I both agree that coincidence is maybe more than just that; especially if the coincidences are abundant; odd and tangible. Of course some might just call us paranoid; personally I embrace the hope that there is something out there interacting with me.
Being just paranoid is hardly a thing of epic proportion to ones ego, so much better to believe in angels :)
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I believe in mere coincidence and I believe in divine intervention...and I will spend the rest of my life struggling to discern the difference between the two.
I admit, I've been keeping more of an open mind, ear and eye to the gravity of when things sync up...
You can thank "your friend" for that.
Hamlet: Do you see that cloud, that's almost in shape like a camel?
Polonius: By the mass, and 't is like a camel, indeed.
Hamlet: Methinks, it is like a weasel.
Polonius: It is backed like a weasel.
Hamlet: Or, like a whale?
Polonius: Very like a whale.
golden: I think what you may be talking about is based on a matter of Faith as opposed to random coincidence with an outside force driving said coincidence. I have respect for your view point.
Uno: So we see what we see based on the influence of what we want to see; or the influence of others?
Or even worse, we agree to agree to what we see based on the appropriateness to agree when called upon...
Gotta love Shakespeare.
“It's high time you were shown, that you really don't know all there is to be known."
"Did you ever fly a kite in bed? Did you ever walk with ten cats on your head?"
"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"
And a final quote from his lordship:
"And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."
There is a connection I know you will know and you shall find reflection as sure as surely I know.
That was bad, but I aint no DR. S either :)
Raspootin - My bad. I meant for "divine" to encompass all that is meaningful...guided...interactive...etc. Was not meant to be faith specific.
My brother-in-law was on the Gong Show in the late 80s and did a rap to Green Eggs and Ham with his best friend. And won. He still has the styrofoam trophy to show for it. And the videotape he hid somewhere.
By the way, genius idea not to put the nutritional info on these pecans. Sooooooo good.
I also see a lobster claw clutching that thing they hit with the rackets in badminton, whatever it's called.
o we see what we see based on the influence of what we want to see; or the influence of others?
no. what i meant is why n the fuk can't u see it's a satanic goat with a mushroom on its head
Golden: My Bad. Those Pecans are killer though - interesting story about the b- in law, I smell a post.
Woozie: Comic relief needed and thanks.
Uno why was the goat wasted in your
Shakespeare and now mentioned? Duhh
it could be"it's a satanic goat with a mushroom on its head" or it could be real. What do u think about that possibility?
uno in all fairness, i get your comment and it makes me think we could be friends,
Who knew that Golden Beatle was so wise. - "I believe in mere coincidence and I believe in divine intervention... and I will spend the rest of my life struggling to discern the difference between the two."
Albert Einstein - "There are two ways to look at life, as if everything is a miracle or as if nothing is a miracle."
I've seen zero and it all... Now if we could just get the bible, jews and Reverend doctor sue J out of the discussion we would get somewhere.
don't look at it! don't directlee gaze at it! for it wants to butt us with it's strategic mushroom and impregnate us with mysterious lusts.
eyes wide shut
"Who knew that Golden Beatle was so wise."
Lots of people. You're just slow on the uptake. ;)
Golden: Not that I want to take a side, but hehee that was a good one:)
Most lots are stupendously void of actual substance.
Ouch. As usual.
I deal indirectly with the unusual suspects. If my uptake were any higher I would blow a head gasket.
my wife married an angel.
bp I am sure she did; seriously
Ydgrand: If you come back here, Im in Houston at the moment and he had your terrible cough. I told him to get the zicam cough spray and nose spray and I think it might actually be working. Like I said over at your place; it can not hurt to try.
the cough syrup i got is called codal_dm syrup its a cobination medication that is a cough suppressant that effects a cetain part of the brain reducing the urge to cough. plus it helps relieve stuffy nose symptoms watery eyes, itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing...it's terrific..plus the allergy shot..and the nasal spray in the am is the best...i've just about kicked it..then i got a fecking head cold...but the stuff i was taking helped get rid of it in arecord 3 days...tada..
Im going to pass that on to my friend Pat who has tried everything to get rid of her cough!
Maybe she will get a tada! too
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