liz & thomas: yup this is the real deal

liz and uncle freddy: I am tired of having my picture taken and my feet hurt

wedding cake: I was never notified of the cutting; oh well

Beau and Susan: "Beau sit up and smile pretty just like me"

Thomas and Claire " F- off I really dont want my picture taken"

What the F did I tell you before?

Thomas and his mom: "Awe thats a sweet pic if I don't say so myself"

Capt'in Scott - "hawai in new orleans ARahhh"

Cat, Catherine, Liz & Steven
How come Catherine looks so great 4 months prego?
Some women have all the luck - and look at her hubby
this kind of made me think of Thimscool so I took a picture of it:)
Ya know, Raspootin... I've been thinking about my New Year's Resolution. I've been thinking that it will be:
"Thimscool is dead. Long live Luke."
So it is appropriate that you visualized me as a dead rat. I don't blame you, but you definitely have something to do with my self-intervention. Blogging brings out the worst in me.
By the way, you're a beauty, in an "I will transform you into a dead rat and ride off on my broom" kind of way.
Give my best to the starving artist, and the enigmatic unokhan. Enjoy your potions!
i find the aviator hat more interesting than the dead rat.
Fuck you Billy. Fuck you very much.
Woozie, okay i did and there is an even more detailed one, but I did not post it.
Thimscool: in any good movie there has to be the antagonist and the protagonist; just not sure where we stand on playing the roles
BP my dad gave me that hat and as much as he would not like it i put it on a lot when drunk. He had a Cesena airplane and we would fly a lot together. Guess it just makes me think of him.
Bah. You can be the protagonist. Slay me with an olive branch.
And post the damn detaild pic. Give me a proper send off!
did i see some korean run by?
that rat just barfin over the side
Naw he's dead. D-E-A-D. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Kaput.
You can certainly eat the corpse, if you like. I have no use for it.
The Catherine? Oh my...
Thimscool & Uno
Ya that rat was really dead, If I did not know better I would say that some big drunk guy must have stomped it to death. It was right by the door, not in the road. There is a chinese restaurant about 10 yards down the street, good thing we found the rat and disposed of it before they got their hands on it.
Golden; none other...
my two little disparate thots had nuthin to do with each other, actually
ok...I just put 1+1 and came up with 2, even and not good.
every one looks so happy..and a tad tipsy.
I freely admit to the tipsy, maybe even more than tipsy...
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