Once again I can not seem to help myself. I have a fascination with these religious things appearing in food. First Jesus in the shrimp tail now the Virgin Mary makes an appearance in the chocolate overflow drip tray.
Who analyzed the drip tray long enough to think it looked like the Virgin Mary? It’s kind of like examining the lint in your navel or saying look at my poop doesn’t that look like…jesus? Who would bother looking in the first place, let alone discuss it and then take a picture: just flush it.
I have included the comparison picture for your expert review. Not only would I not revere this bit of chocolate, I would refuse to eat it.
i knew you looked like gary coleman. i can tell by the way that you type that you're short and not very attractive.
i'd eat that.
I can tell by the way that you type
By the way "I TYPE"?
yeah. gary coleman doesn't get jokes either.
You have a sense of humor?
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