Tuesday, August 08, 2006
New Orleans, LA
By Trymaine Lee
AS printed in The Times Picayune:
A 30-year-old New Orleans man was captured Sunday after a Carrollton homeowner walked in to find him watching pornography on the Internet, New Orleans police said. Richard Barnes, who police said crawled through the doggy door of a home in the 1200 block of Lowerline Street, was caught Sunday by the home's owner after she returned from an afternoon outing, police said. The woman unlocked her front door, walked in and almost immediately encountered Barnes masturbating while online, police said. The frightened homeowner grabbed her oversized dog and bolted from the house.
Also if the home owner came upon him immediately, where was this oversized Dog? I mean hello wouldn’t the oversized dog be barking? Wouldn’t the oversized dog have ripped the guy’s throat out? Or at least peed on his leg?
Why would anyone have a doggy door big enough for a person to fit through? That’s just stupid! Why would a burglar break into someone’s house, turn on the computer, go to a porn site and start going for it uhhh kind of stupid too?
The article concluded that Barnes was wanted for a stream of burglaries not a stream of semen which apparently they are going to DNA test the computer for in order to convict…
maybe the dog was in a kennel and that's why it didn't attack the guy....
maybe the doggy door came with the house, she is alergic to dogs, and the oversized dog was really a stuffed dog she won at a fair. what a crazy and somewhat graphic article. anyone with a doggy door better look out for a copycat burglar. what will the times picayune print next.
Why would you have a doggy door if you are going to leave your dog in a kennel? Isn't the point of a doggy door so the dog can cone and go as it wants?
You should apply for a job writing at the Times Picayune. I am sure they would appreciate your creative thoughts...
Maybe he was an undersized skinny burglar...
My mom would have shot him. I'm not joking either, she really would have shot him. So stay out everyone.
I don't know. I didn't put that much thought into it. I guess the same reason it was an "oversized" dog and not just a dog or a large dog. Or maybe b/c she thought the dog would use the doggy door and never did and tore up the house so she put it in the kennel. Who knows. Have our lives come down to whether or not the doggy door or dog is oversized? I need to find something to do.
Well its your turn to leave the next post, so why not think about that?
b/c i have other things to think about... entirely too many other things to think about.
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