"The man wrote that he wanted to share with viewers a smile and a sense of hope.
He claimed that when he finished his first shrimp, he disregarded the tail, but then looked at it again and saw the face of Jesus.
The writer said he believed it was a sign, as he's currently going through a nasty divorce"
I guess I can see Jesus' face on this shrimp. Shrimp tails, grilled cheese sandwiches, big macs, I guess you have to be eating to see Jesus these days. What happened to just going to church?
Actually I guess it was the Virgin Mary on the grilled cheese now I am thinking about it. I wonder if this guy is going to try and auction his shrimp on ebay. I guess it will help him pay for the divorce.
Hey, the JC showed up on my doggy door! No lie:
It would be funny if Jesus appeared on a piece of poop. That's what I thought the picture was at first.
Okay I think I can see Jesus on your thing too.
Do you mind if I post it on my site as a point of comparison? I might have to make an arrow to show where the face is.
If I don't hear from you I will not do it I guess.
I could not tell what it was. If I had a piece of shrimp tail I definitely would not be looking for Jesus on it.
Poop - lots of dog poop here I will take some pictures and analyze...
I do not discount any comments on my site. I just want you to know that I am serious about looking into your Jesus Picture. Do you have more a story than what is on you site?
Well if you can see Jesus, go ahead and do it. I don't see him though.
In the meantime,
Hey! Very Nice! Check out this website I found where you can make extra cash.
It's not available everywhere, so go to the site and see if you can find something. I found something and make
and extra $900 a month!
Oh, wait a minute, nevermind that. Just now realized it wasn't addressed to me.
I am finished with trying to see jesus on food items.
Moving on to the $900 a month!
Have you ever done the answering survey thing or is this BS?
No doubt I am sounding a bit blonde...
Ok, $900 for taking a survery here and there??? I really doubt that but hell I'll check it out to. Who am I to turn down easy money
So - what did you find out Wishin?
I am too lazy to go check it out
I didn't check it out. You know it will take me a few days to actually go look at it. I'm in slooowww motion these dayssss...
ok, i clicked on the link and of course they want to charge you to look at the info. They ask for your credit card.. Do I look that dumb??? Heck no. Oh well, should have known that no money comes easy.
Maybe the anonymous spam message was someone telling us that we should get a job?
How rude!
is that supposed to be a shrimp with paris hilton's face on it in the picture or what?
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