" Jesus My God My God" and "None"
These are pieces by 2 of my artists. As you may note they both have the same theme, but their perspectives are opposite. I am curious to hear your opinions
Fundamental Christians see these as the last days. Many people think we are entering into WWIII. Both of these artists have recently been admitted to psychiatric hospitals for brief stays. They are both obsessive about religion: its positive aspects in one case and its negative in the other. Is it possible that the brilliance of these 2 disturbed artists is a foreshadowing of what is to come?
Why is Jesus white?
I don't think this is anywhere close to the end of days...fundamentalists have thought we were in the end of days, probably since the middle ages. They were wrong 1500 years ago, and they're probably wrong now. Besides, how much sense does it really make for a dead carpenter to come down from the sky, rescue only rabid christians, and then leave everyone else to die and burn forever? Doesn't that go directly agains the kind Jesus who loves all men women and children, no matter race or religion?
I'm living proof that this is not WWIII. Why? If it was, someone would have nuked DC, and being a scant 12 miles away, I'd be bathed in radiation and die a slow painful death!
both paintings totally suck, and so does everything else in your shit "gallerie"
From one "anonymous" blogger to another. I appreciate that you are entitled to your opinion but, i think that it was unnecessary to use profanity to express yourself.
Obviously the Jesus artist must be a racist! Who ever heard of a white Jesus?
I imagine that Jesus probably looked more like Osama Bin Laden given he was Middle Eastern.
both paintings totally suck, and so does everything else in your shit "gallerie"
That would be "Galerie".
If you are an artist I would love for you to give me a submission to see if you can do any better.
If you are not an artist or a collector, your opinion is without merit or meaning as it does not equate to expertise or money.
that's an angry looking nun. very strange.
"If you are an artist I would love for you to give me a submission to see if you can do any better"
if i am "an artist"? if you could spot "an artist" your gallery would not be full of such amateurish jesus paintings.
Who said my gallery was filled with Jesus paintings?
Oh - that’s what you just said.
Please try to get your facts straight.
If you think you have an opinion at least take the time to check out the site; conveniently linked on this blog.
Aren't trolls fun?
I guess they are slightly better than no comments at all.
sorry. jesus paintings, dead rock stars swathed in plastic, and look-alike storefronts of new orleans. all crap.
You still have not followed the link that is still conveniently placed on this blog.
What a shame that you can not click on a link.
But you are still going just like the little pink bunny.
you call that "art"?
Excuse me?
Oh - are you still talking about jesus and the nun?
How boring.
"Is it possible that the brilliance of these 2 disturbed artists is a foreshadowing of what is to come? "
yes! i'm sure more bad paintings from people faking mental illness will surface. why do you play into their crap? that's the bigger question.
Hey-it's fucked you don't give either artist credit on your site.
I think Jesus is confused by the image on the shrimp tail, and if you went to catholic school in the 60's you would recognize that look on the nun's face. Similar to Sister Eudes face when she found out we had a boy girl party and actually slow danced together.
One good thing about my childhood was that it did not involve Catholic schools or nuns. I have heard some pretty scary stories...
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