This has been a long 4 days. I have managed to evoke every stress level that is out there. My gallery is like a child to me as I have no children. The gallery is rewarding like I hear children are, and is fraught with the same anxiety. Shallow? Making that type of comparison, perhaps, but still filled with the same anxiety for me.
It’s weird how anxiety works: like paint seaping into a porous surface, it just happens. Should we say that a child’s fear of the first day of school is less? Less than a child’s anxiety about being constantly bullied at school, less than the girl that cries her eyes raw because the young man does not call her; less than Dad losing his job. Less than getting diagnosed with a terminal illness or is it less than losing a limb?
Bottom line, anxiety at any level is the same. Whether it’s going to kill you or you just think it is has no relevance.
I have deleted several Raspootin comments these past 4 days as they have not been appropriate to what I want my site to be. They were antagonized by a level of compulsive obsessive painting and a firm fear of a CAT 4 hurricane hitting New Orleans.
I have not yet painted the floors in my gallery, but when I do I will post a picture. I must say that it took a bit of endurance on my part to do this project, and I am very proud of the results.
It would be nice to live in a stress free environment. It might be at times, even nice to be stupid, clueless or so ignorant that we would not allow these things to make us anxious as we would be completely oblivious. Luckily there is a pill for everything
Could you just delete the whole blog?
нет глупый
I would hate to interrupt your social activities.
hmm.. are you sharing those pills? i must admit I had a bit of anxiety on Saturday but was all better by Sunday. Funny how the mind works.
Munch is the artist. Please tell your son that I thinks it's a really cool picture too!
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