Monday, August 07, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away...

The rain is depressing. Not to metion I have developed a fear of bad weather since the "thing" that happened here. Oh well, what are you going to do?


Raspootin said...

I left my umbrella in the car so I guess what I am going to do is get wet.

wishin said...

Yeah, well I'll have to paddle home b/c it's storming it's ass off out here.

Woozie said...

A fear of bad weather is irrational...

Raspootin said...

Some people think a fear of cockroaches is irrational...

Raspootin said...

I don't like cockroaches so I should not have left that as a comparison. I am superstitious enough to think the mere taunt is going to make a flock of them invade my bedroom.

How about - pictures where the eyes move to follow you no matter where you are in a room?

I guess that's not irrational, but its still an irrational fear.

wishin said...

Well you are entitled to your own opinion whatever it may be. That's the great thing about this. You can say what you want. Although I don't think my fear is irrational,you are allowed to think what you want. I'm also scared to drive in new orleans at night. Is that irrational???

Anonymous said...

Hopefully come up with something more inspiring to write about?